8 Severance Agreement Considerations for Employees
Is your Massachusetts employer showing you the door while providing you with a severance agreement to consider? It is advisable to go...

Three common provisions in employers' proposed severance agreements
Employees often come to me with a proposed severance agreement and general release they received from their employers. These documents...

The changing landscape of noncompetition agreements in Massachusetts
The legislature passed a bill last week, which, if the Governor signs, will provide for some big changes to the legal landscape governing...

Boston Globe sues employee for breach of severance agreement
On May 25, 2018, the Boston Globe sued one of its former employees for breach of contract arising out of a dispute that began on Twitter,...

A cautionary tale about confidentiality clauses in settlement agreements
When an employee is handed a proposed severance agreement from an employer, many of the provisions, including the confidentiality or...

A quick reminder on the effect of a general release in a severance agreement
The Massachusetts Appeals Court last week issued a quick reminder on the effect of general releases in severance agreements. This...

The state of non-competition agreements in Massachusetts
Thirty million Americans are subject to non-competition agreements, called non-competes, with their employers or former employers,...

Why does my employer's severance agreement and release say I should consult an attorney?
If you're over 40, it's because there's a law that requires it. (It's not because your employer is trying to do you any favors!) Congress...

I hate my job and want to quit. Do I have any legal options to mitigate the risk of quitting?
I talk to a lot of people who hate their jobs. They're on the verge. Their boss is terrible. They've worked their hearts out but it's...

Evil HR Lady: Hire an employment lawyer
Evil HR Lady, a Human Resources professional who has been trying to -- in her words "demystify your Human Resources Department" by way of...