Micromanage, change the rules, play games, lower pay: an HR memo on how to get employees to quit
I've been an employment lawyer for more than ten years. Before that, when I applied to the Massachusetts bar at age 30 and had to list...

I hate my job and want to quit. Do I have any legal options to mitigate the risk of quitting?
I talk to a lot of people who hate their jobs. They're on the verge. Their boss is terrible. They've worked their hearts out but it's...

When the end is near: severance agreements and nondisparagement clauses
A story in today's New York Times featured a common clause in severance agreement -- nondisparagement clauses. Severance agreements...

Employee or Independent Contractor?
The question of whether one is an employee or independent contractor can be a complicated one. I have defended the state independent...