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Creative thinking in employment contracts: a lesson from one Red Sox manager

negotiating Massachusetts employment contracts

I love this story.

Alex Cora, a native of Puerto Rico, was negotiating his managerial contract with the Boston Red Sox this past October, just as Puerto Rico was beginning its recovery from Hurricane Maria.

It seems that as part of Cora's personal employment contract, he negotiated a provision in which the Red Sox agreed to deliver medical supplies and other equipment to Puerto Rico to aid recovery efforts. That delivery is going down today, and Boston gets to look good as a result of its donations.

I have no inside information about Cora's employment contract. I only know what is in the news. But regardless of whether there was a formal provision in there requiring the delivery -- and, to the extent it was meaningful to him, there should have been -- this is a beautiful example of how creative thinking can come into play when it comes to entering into agreements with employers.

I generally do this type of work on behalf of employees when resolving litigation, and that sort of leverage is very different than that of a hot prospect negotiating his personal employment contract with an eager and wealthy employer. That said, a contract is a contract, and it all happens through negotiations. There can be benefits gained in these negotiations that are quite meaningful and go beyond dollars and cents. (Of course, the dollars and cents are important, too, and I have no doubt Cora did just fine in that department.)

But for the creative provisions, it just takes some creative thinking and a willingness to put in on the table.

Cora's is a beautiful example.

Doorways Employment Law is a virtual employment law practice, leveraging the power of technology to connect with clients in the most efficient and convenient way possible. It specializes in employment law counseling, strategic advice and representation to individuals and businesses across Massachusetts, including on employment contracts, settlement agreements and severance agreements. Contact Doorway Employment Law for an employment law consultation.

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