I'm quoted today in Bloomberg Law on #MeToo and the increase in sexual harassment filings

This is a quick post about today's article in Bloomberg Law in which I'm quoted.
The article seems to have arisen from news that the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination (MCAD) has sought an increase in state funding as a result of the substantial increase in sexual harassment complaints since the Harvey Weinstein scandal broke.
I have written about the wave of the #MeToo movement here before, including that it seems to be re-establishing social norms as to what is considered acceptable behavior. To that end, it does not surprise me that sexual harassment filings at the MCAD are way up over the past several months.
In addition, the Bloomberg piece makes reference to another important topic I've written about here -- the caseloads of MCAD investigators and the length of time investigations take there. Around 2015, MCAD investigators had a caseload of approximately 199 cases each.
According to the Bloomberg piece, these days MCAD investigators are managing 110 cases each, with investigations lasting an average of 18 months. Those numbers represent an improvement -- even if, in comparison to the New York and Connecticut caseloads mentioned, there is still room for more.
Doorways Employment Law is a virtual employment law practice, leveraging the power of technology to connect with clients in the most efficient and convenient way possible. It specializes in employment law counseling, strategic advice and representation to individuals and businesses across Massachusetts, including on issues relating to sexual harassment and employment discrimination. Contact Doorways Employment Law for an employment law consultation.